Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What's a girl to do??

So, the question has become what are we gonna do AVC? (After Via Christus) And quite honestly I have to say I don't know. I just don't have a clue. I've been trying to stay in the moment and take advantage of and enjoy every moment we have left. It would be easy to say "I can't" when presented with current VC opportunities - because after all what will it matter in two months? That's not the way to look at it. And I struggle. I am frustrated that such a good thing has to have a conclusion. And yet, so excited for where God is leading people. Life is fluid. That's all there is to it. And we have to deal with that fluctuation, and with change. So, again, I don't know what is in store. Mike said it well on his blog yesterday....

" I was reminded that after being immersed in a highly participatory house church community for so long, it would be really hard (if not impossible) for me to go back and be content in that non-interactive "sermon and a sing-along" format anymore, not even if I was the one up front getting to do the sermon."

I know, I hear you all saying if you can't find one, start one. But I certainly don't feel equipped to do so no matter how much I'd like to be. And I certainly don't have the enthusiasm of someone twenty years younger. Or the ideas, connections, knowledge and energy it would take.

I do think about it though, what it would take, how it would look, and who we could get to come on board. But I'm afraid each of the people I would like to incorporate, and whom I think could and would contribute and benefit from this kind of group has multiple reasons why it wouldn't work. Including teenage kids that "need" a youth group.

No easy answers, just more questions. I suppose if you don't dream you'll never get there, but I can all too easily see that dream turning into a nightmare....


Jen said...

You are afraid to dream, I was afraid of failure
God is still with us, perhaps in different environments then we were able to idealize.

ps- leftovers in the fridge from my lunch if you want.

Charlotte Wyncoop said...

I could have posted almost exactly the same thing - have you been delving into my head recently without me knowing!!??

You said, "I do think about it though, what it would take, how it would look, and who we could get to come on board. But I'm afraid each of the people I would like to incorporate, and whom I think could and would contribute and benefit from this kind of group has multiple reasons why it wouldn't work."

How would it look? I'd like to do some dreaming - because it would be great someday to be part of something like this again - and to hear and think through some of the things to keep, things to change, and things that could be, would be very benefitial.

Are you up for that?

gerbmom said...

Char, we need to go to dinner...

gerbmom said...

Jen....thank you.

Charlotte Wyncoop said...

How about Tues night? The kids are with Grandma...Call me!