I spent Saturday in bed. By yesterday I was determined to be better. Our church took a field trip to Chicago to attend Wicker Park Grace's Jazz Vespers. I'd been looking forward to this forever, so I wasn't gonna miss it!
Before Vespers, Jen had gotten us tickets to do a brewery tour and beer tasting at Goose Island in Chicago. I do not like 312. Sorry Goose Island. I wasn't even too fond of Honkers Ale.

After the Brew tour we headed over to Wicker Park Grace which was fun and interesting. The music was excellent. They had a potluck after the service, but Jen has been wanting us to go to one of her favorite restaurants on Milwaukee Avenue.

So, after Vespers Jen, Karen, Katherine, Kelsey, Kim and I went over to Earwax Cafe for dinner.

So, after Vespers Jen, Karen, Katherine, Kelsey, Kim and I went over to Earwax Cafe for dinner.

Hmmmm I just realized that Jen was the only J there among all us K's. LOL. The food was good, the atmosphere funky. Kelsey had a buffalo burger, Katherine - Jerk Chicken, Karen - the black bean burger and Jen, Kim and I had the Vegi burritos.
Now today I am paying the price for playing. In my defense, I had looked forward to the outing for so long, and I was feeling better. Today I am wishing for home and couch. Grrr......
Get well soon! Sorry you're so miserable...
I'm sorry you feel yucky. sounds like you guys had fun though.
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