After flying in to Tampa on Monday night, we spent a day at my dad's - and of course we had to go to Clearwater Beach....and Sonic. :)
Jen and I headed out on our Florida Road trip on Wednesday, with my dad and sister accompanying us as far as Cocoa Beach. We did a huge circular drive of mid to southern Florida via the coast. We ended up driving 1175 miles in just a couple days, hitting Cocoa Beach, Miami, the keys - all the way to Key West, back up and across Alligator alley to Naples before giving in and jumping on the interstate to make some good time getting back to Tampa.
We still found time to eat, hit the pool, watch the sunset, etc. and Jen found time to do two small (4 mile) runs as well as one 16 mile run. How would you like to run 16 miles in 85 degree heat with 50% humidity when you are used to running in Chicagoland where it barely broke the 40's and was super dry before we left on the trip? Needless to say the pool was a necessity after that run!
Anyway - here are some pix. Enjoy!
And my final thought?

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