...Climbing out of this boat I'm in, onto the crashing waves
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Simple Pleasures.......
I came home from work kinda crabby yesterday, and really tired. HOWEVER - I came home to these two darlings who made me feel better - snuggly, playful, giggle inducing Emma and Cairo. Life is good when you're only about 3 feet off the floor...... ;)
I just saw this and emma was right beside me - she was quite excited to see pictures of herself!
We had guests staying with us last night who had a dog. A dog IN EMMAS HOUSE just made her week...
How'd Mike do with a dog in the house??? Better be careful - this is how it starts........
Emma wants a puppy. :)
mike was fine. It was one of those super expensive breeds that are hypo-allergenic. One of the main reasons we don't have a dog...
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