Friday, November 04, 2005

postcards from God....

I took Cairo for a walk this morning. The beauty was almost more than I could bear. Trees dressed in vermilion, crimson and goldenrod stretched towards the brilliant blue sky. No clouds in sight. A gentle breeze ruffled the leaves, spinning them toward the gravel path I was walking on. Birds skittered and sang, squirrels hopped, yellow jackets buzzed and the dog tripped lazily along beside me. No signs of frost anywhere – it’s too warm. What a perfect fall day! Truly a gift from God to encourage a hurting heart. A brilliant, breath-taking string-around-the-finger prompt that he made the world and everything in it. A reminder that he is here now, surrounding me with his love, inviting me to share in his goodness. That he gives and takes as he sees fit, and the taking is not done to hurt me, but to drawn me closer. That he is in control of everything. Everything. I just need to trust. And listen for his voice calling out to me as I become still before him. And wait. I have not been doing so well at waiting, and listening. Today’s gift of beauty is my postcard from God inviting me back into his presence to rest and commune with him.


Christine Boles said...

What a great post! I love that you can tie the beauty around you in with the Creator. He blesses us in colorful sunsets and changing leaves and perfect-weather days, and hopping squirrels, etc....

pdgeloyn: a store of nuts under the leaves

Anne said...

Karen, this is so beautifully written. I could see the colors and feel the crisp, fall air. We've had some of those days here as well, and they just seem to be God-soaked ones for me too. Thanks for your wonderful description.