So, it's done. I'm done.
We're done? I am officially gone from my church. I thought I would feel relieved - and better. But I'm sad and a bit at loose ends. Kinda like I have slammed a door impulsively and the help I need is still on the other side..... Weird I know. I think it's just that after being at that church for 40 years the breakup is bound to be difficult. Especially if it's not on good terms. Well, I thought it was on good terms, but apparently it's not on their part. So anyway. Things are tense and difficult and misunderstandings abound. As well as sadness and tears. If there is anything positive though in the way things have happened, it's that it has shown my husband just how much we differ from them philosophically, and that, yes, he needed to leave too. Unfortunately he had to be kicked out of the nest because he was afraid to fly on his own.
So the good news is, we have embarked together on a new journey - one that includes
Via Christus as our new church home. And we are so excited to be there. Sometimes it just takes a kick in the pants to make you aware of what is so obviously the right thing to do.
Thanks to all of you who have been upholding us in prayer through this process. I can't begin to express how much that means to me.
My prayers will continue as you go through the pangs of change - even good change comes with discomfort, doesn't it? I know in time joy will replace that, but while you start this journey, I'll be lifting you up to God!
You're in the right place, Karen.
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