People are people, right? And God loves them ALL the same. Right? So where is the outrage in the media about the tens of thousands and more being killed in this war? Not just soldiers, but civilians, women, children, students, educators, professionals, aide workers, doctors, the list goes on and on. I'm just so frustrated. And, just what is it that makes our dead any more important than the dead in other countries? The killings at VT were an outrage. A tragedy. Heartbreaking. So is that. Dead is dead. Murder is murder. Wrong is wrong, wrong thinking is wrong thinking, rationalization is rationalization.. All over the world these atrocities are taking place, whether from natural disaster or moral breakdown. Greed. Passion. In the name of God and country. And we don't care unless it's our own?
I don't know where I'm going with this. I just had to get it off my chest. It's a crushing weight when you think about it. We are all God's beloved. No one is valued above any other. I think God's heart is breaking......
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