Monday, March 27, 2006

Was a five hour drive worth it?

I have no words. Well, no adequate words. All I can say, is, if you ever get a chance, go hear Todd Agnew in concert. His story, his heart, his beliefs, his philosophy - they all resonated so deeply inside me. I can't tell you how very convicted and broken I left that concert. All the things I have been dealing with were brought to the front of my life and worked over. Todd talked as much as he sang. I didn't care. The music and the words totally broke my heart. I have never felt this way after a "concert" before. I found myself angry with the "audience" who didn't get it, and didn't care. They just wanted to hear more, so they could sing, dance and "worship" Todd. And you could see on his face it was breaking his heart too. He told them their Amens meant nothing. Their words, nothing. He kept stepping out of the spotlight, but it always followed, and you could see it made him uncomfortable. He knew people didn't get it. His message, his heart, his passion. He literally told them to shut up, be still. Listen. Understand. They weren't capable of it. When he said he didn't wanna be a Christian anymore I don't think many people got it.....
He not only stepped on toes, he stomped hard on them. And they blew it off. Our hearts obviously aren't ready to hear this man's message. How sad. Todd Agnew has a great ministry ahead if he doesn't get beaten down and discouraged. And you could already see that in his face.
If you get a chance to go hear Todd Agnew, please do. I guarantee your heart will be convicted and you won't think about the poor, the needy, the widows, orphans, the lonely, hurting, marginal people, Christianity or our churches the same way ever again. You will rethink who you are, and who you should be. If you let God work you will come away with a broken heart and a new perspective on what it means to be a follower of Christ.

One other thing, it gave me a whole different perspective on these concerts, and why I go. And why I may not go to many more. I went to concert of a well known group on Friday night, one I really, really liked and have always thought had a wonderful message. The difference was night and day apparent this weekend. It caused me to do a lot of thinking about motive and message. To wonder how they can walk the fine line between ministry and show. And to ask when they become about themselves and their desires and not about God and his. When it becomes about what they are doing, and not what God is doing. When they start to believe their own press. To be fair, I think it is insidious. It starts innocently. So subtly they don't even realize it. And often we don't notice either till we are hit over the head with a 2x4 and see it for what it is.... And right now Todd Agnew is still being used of God in a humble and mighty way, and hasn't crossed that line. People may not like this, or his style. But I pray he stays this way, and that he will not be caught up in it, and will get out before his heart is changed.....

There are so many more things I want to say about this, but I can't figure out how to get my thoughts on paper. It is still working itself out in my heart.


Christine Boles said...

Whoa, what a heavy deal that must be! Poor Todd.
I don't know, maybe he'd do better as a preacher~ less of an automatic "entertainment" factor to live up to, with that one, although it is present, to a degree.
I just can't get over what it must be like for the guy~ what he must be going through....

gerbmom said...

Yeah Christine;
and the thing is I can't even begin to explain it. What I saw/felt. I came away from the concert just shaking my head. Totally frustrated. Wondering how people can just not get it......
Could you imagine, if they got it, how God could use us to change the world?