Kim and Carissa are playing Mille Bornes in real life. Gordon is approximately 1000 miles from our house. No one reminded them to make sure they had remedies or safeties in their hand. The world goes on - they sit. Here's the scoop.....
So, it took Carissa some time yesterday to pack her car - tetris style. Shoehorn style. It's amazing what a mini cooper will hold! They took off this morning at 10. Too late if you ask me, but nobody did. So they traveled about two hours and had a flat. Near Valpo. Boo. It's Sunday. And they have to unpack a good bit to get to their spare. Well, it was a nice packing job...
They can't find Mini Cooper tires. And remember it's Sunday. Fortunately someone has tires that will work, just a slight variance in size - not enough to hurt performance. So they've been told.
Well it's either them, or stay in Indiana until Monday when they can locate a perfect tire.
So, after unpacking and getting out the spare, wasting time on the tire issue etc. Carissa is steaming. Why did they leave at 10:00 am you ask? Good question. Not that that would have prevented a flat tire, but it would have made them much more flexible and way less stressed about time constraints. Deadlines.
I assumed it was Carissa not wanting to get up early. (Sorry Carissa) Nope, it was Kim. Good thing I didn't know that earlier, I woulda pushed a much earlier departure to allow for whatever issues popped up. And made him mad.
I always tend to say "MEN!" when these things happen.
Probably not fair....but in my experience, often true.
Men always think they can do more, faster. Are all men optimists? LOL.
All righty then. He's not leaving much time on the other end to catch his return flight that he scheduled earlier than I was comfortable with in order to save $100 on the flight.....
Hopefully we will have no need of these remaining cards that are sitting in the box in the closet at home.....

UPDATE: after a late supper in Ohio, and another 12 hours on the road they arrived at Gordon with no further mishaps. A little later than intended, but Kim is on his way to the airport now, and should be able to make his flight unless security is crazy.......
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