I realize this is seriously close to rant status, but it just really, really bugs me that Christmas is EVERYWHERE. Store displays were up before Halloween. Christmas music has hit the airwaves. Christmas commercials are all ready merrily enticing our children. And my own town, for Pete's sake, has all the Christmas decorations up.
Have we forgotten we have an important holiday in November? A holiday that isn't a boon to stores and marketers and CEO's stretching out greedy hands to gather the windfall to be sure. But a holiday in which we count our blessings, give thanks for all we are and have; a holiday to share good food, good conversation and memories with family and friends. To relax and enjoy the moment, to slow down and unwind - well, until we rush out the door at 5:30 am on the day after Thanksgiving to grab and shove, selfishly forgetting love and kindness to take advantage of those wonderful "early" Christmas bargains.....
1 comment:
So I shouldn't mention that we were thinking about going ahead and putting up our Christmas lights while the temps are still above freezing...
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