Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The best laid plans

So, tonight I came home from work with an hour to spare before I had to take Carissa to the airport. Yes, she had to go back to school...
Anyway, I came home to finish up a few things, make sure she was packed and just have a calm few minutes before we headed out. Jess's mom came by to bring a few things for Carissa to take to Jess at Gordon, and Cairo, as usual, turned into a scaredy cat. Nothing new. Then for some reason he started tearing around - I think he was still scared, but wanted to play, and his adreneline must have been pretty high.
So much for relaxing. All hell broke loose, and amidst the melee we suddenly saw blood. MOM! How did Cairo get hurt? - So I look and he has a gash on his left leg. I mean a hole. Like a good 2 inches long and bleeding. We still don't know what happened. Did he catch it on his crate? A drawer handle? My ring when I tried to catch him? So, now, we have to leave in fifteen minutes for the airport and Cairo is dripping blood and obviously needs stitches. Chris isn't home and Kelsey has to go babysit. So Linda (Jess's mom) and I bandage Cai up, Carissa quickly prints out her boarding pass, throws her suitcase in the car, I bundle up Cairo, and off we go. First stop, the vet. Yep. Stitches. "How in the world did he do that?" Yeah, I wanna know too...... so, after assuring me he is ok, and that he will be ready to pick up when I get back from the airport we jump in the car and off we go. Traffic is miserable. Just horrible. I finally get to Franklin Park so Kim can take Carissa to the airport and I can go back and get Cai. Phew. Kelsey calls, she doesn't have the IPASS transponder and has to take the Tollway to Wendy's. Just pretend like you have it. We'll deal with it later. Traffic is worse, if that is possible. The guy in front of me can't just drive slow and steady, no, he has to speed up and slam on the breaks. Twenty five times in a mile. Grrrrr.
Finally, I get back and pick up the pup. Several stitches. He was a good patient. Just a local anesthetic was all he needed. Shaved leg. It looks pretty gross. But he is comical in his Elizabethean Collar. Just call him reverse cone head. He doesn't get that he can't fit through small spaces now. He keeps running into things. It would be funnier if I didn't feel so badly for him. And my wallet. $200.00 bucks later - which included said collar and antibiotics - we are on our way home. Carissa calls. Her flight has been delayed for an hour and a half. For this I fought traffic and drove like crazy to get her there???? She won't get home now until 12:30. AM. Oh, shoot, I forgot my sheets are in the washer. The ones Cairo bled all over. No big deal I guess. I can't go to work tomorrow, I have to babysit the dog.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Poor Cairo.... Well, that explains why you had a day off today. I think Cairo planned that on purpose. Good dog! xo