I did go up to the Renaissance Faire with a bunch of friends from our church. We had a great time, but it was really hot that day. I have seen a couple movies with Kelsey and Dana – The Devil Wears Prada and Click, but they were just ok, and since I am not a super hero fan, the movies were pretty much a washout this summer. I helped a friend move. What else, oh, I took Carissa to get her senior pictures taken. You know I am reaching when that is included on my list of fun things I did this summer….. We also celebrated her birthday with a party…. Wait, that was work. (cuz we had to clean the house.) Oh, and we also spent a good two hours in the sun and humidity passing out bags door to door for a food drive that our church is helping with in Kendall County. After two hours I snuck off to Wendy’s for a Frosty.
Probably the best thing I did was I went to D’s play, It was her first production ever and she played Lady Quigley in the Don Nigro version of Robin Hood. It was a hoot – great fun. I went twice. And laughed and laughed – at the play, not at her.
Yep, so that pretty much sums up the fun. I didn’t bore you with trips to the airport, or dentist or doctor. Sorry. They just don’t qualify as fun….
What’s left? Well, since our 24th anniversary passed with little fanfare (read my husband forgot – again) I guess all that’s left that has the potential for celebation are my birthday, and Kim's. Again – not sure my birthday would qualify as fun. In fact I found a couple cartoons that pretty well sum it up.

So…….when people ask me what I did this summer, if I say nothing that pretty well will be the truth. Unless I really get it together and paint our bedroom like I intended, or we tile the laundry room, and install cabinets and counters – which was also on the list. Or trim the trees and rescue the back garden from horrendous overgrowth. Alas, I’m pretty much resigned to having wasted the whole summer in Stars Hollow……
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