Thursday, January 11, 2007

You have my attention now.....

Well, since I couldn't elaborate on the problem, I also can't elaborate on how God is responding. But suffice it to say that God always makes his presence known. Always. Even if it's in a little way that to others would seem insignificant. Yeah. To me, it was a huge thing. Something so relevant that it astounded me. When I picked my jaw up off the floor, I was humbled. That such an innocent, tiny thing was a colossal reminder that God is still there, still cares, and is still waiting for me to trust him.


Jen said...

why do your toes hurt?
I added a new link to my blog Agape Community. they are in MA. I think I will try to contact them when we are there. That would be a good use of that Friday.

Jen said...

I just realized my stupidity. I understand the toes thing now. Not pointed at anyone or maybe everyone in their own right.

gerbmom said...

didn't say you were pointing - just saying my toes hurt...;)